The PRE Horse

Pura Raza


The Purebred Spanish Horse

Pura Raza Española (PRE) Horse

A Living Gem Of The Spanish Golden Age: The PRE Horse

born dancers

Born Dancers

Known for its prowess as a war horse, and was prized by the nobility

The Pura Raza Española (PRE) horse was first bred in the 16th century, in the midst of the Spanish Golden Age, and is characterized by its beauty and temperance, a testament to the care and respect for maintaining bloodline purity, without crossbreeding, and with a genetic quality that is passed on from generation to generation.

They are among the oldest horse breeds in Europe. With a history deeply rooted in the Iberian Peninsula, a land where equestrian traditions have thrived for millennia. The genesis of this noble breed dates back to ancient times when the Iberian tribes bred horses celebrated for their resilience, agility, and distinctive beauty. These early horses were influenced by the diverse cultures and peoples who settled or invaded the region, including the Celts, Carthaginians, and Romans.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the PRE horse gained a reputation for its martial prowess and noble stature. The horses’ unique intelligence allowed them to even learn how to pick up objects with their mouth, as their riders were wearing armour and unable to dismount easily. These horses became the mounts of choice for Spanish knights and nobility, valued for their bravery, strength, and versatility in battle. The PRE horses’ exceptional qualities soon caught the attention of European royalty and aristocracy, who sought these horses for their own stables.

Recognized in Europe for equine excellence, Spanish horses were the best suited for the equestrian arts: classical dressage and airs above the ground. The Renaissance era heralded a golden age for the Pura Raza Española horse. As this period saw the rise of the haute ecole tradition, the PRE’s natural elegance and aptitude for complex, precise movements made it the perfect choice for the highest form of classical dressage.

For this reason, during the 15th century Spanish horses were imported all over Europe. Maximilian II of Austria chose Spanish horses as the foundation for his royal stud at Kladrub and his brother, Achduke Charles, also established a royal stud in Lipica, Italy where the Lippizaner breed later developed from the genetic foundations of PRE’s. The significance of Spain’s historic influence over European equestrianism can be noted with the naming of the Royal Academy of Riding in Vienna, as the Spanish Riding School, which it is still called today.

In 1912, Spanish horses were separated as a breeding line of their own that is still strictly regulated today. The first “official registrar” for the PRE was created and the responsibility of managing the breed fell to the Ministry of Agriculture and part of the Cria Caballar. In 2007 the Spanish government passed the responsibility of the Studbook to the Royal Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association, also known as the Real Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE), which translates to the National PRE Breeders Association of Spain.

Stallions and mares can only be referred to as Pura Raza Española if the fact that they descend from recognised Spanish breeding lines can be proved. A Spanish horse can only truly be called a Pura Raza Española if both its sire and dam are registered with ANCCE as stallion/broodmare and parentage DNA blood test is positive in ANCCE’s lab.

horse in battle
historical horse in countryside
the modern horse

The Modern Horse: Born Dancers

In modern times, the Pura Raza Española continues to embody the pinnacle of equine excellence.

In modern times, the Pura Raza Española continues to embody the pinnacle of equine excellence. The breed is meticulously regulated by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and the Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE), which uphold rigorous standards for breeding and registration to maintain the breed’s distinguished lineage. Today, PRE horses excel not only in dressage but also in disciplines such as working equitation, traditional driving and historical Spanish equestrian sports like Doma Vaquera. Their enduring legacy is a testament to centuries of dedicated breeding and a rich cultural heritage that remains deeply embedded in the heart of Spain and admired worldwide. The Pura Raza Española stands as a living emblem of historical prestige, elegance, and versatility, continuing to captivate horse enthusiasts and setting the standard for equine excellence globally.

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Why Choose a PRE?

Your Perfect Spanish Dance Partner

PRE horses are esteemed for their remarkable versatility and genuine eagerness to work, rendering them suitable for virtually every riding discipline. The multifaceted Pura Raza Española horses shine in dressage, where they exhibit their advanced training and innate, graceful movements. They have natural abilities in the high collection movements of piaffe and passage, making them true masters of the arena and natural-born dancers.

Moreover, their harmonious physique and keen desire to learn make them particularly well-suited for working equitation, similar to the traditional riding style of Spanish cattle herders, which demands exceptional concentration and skill from both horse and rider.

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